Elections, Democracy and Human Rights Training, research and support



Carla Luís is the coordinator of VotedHR - Elections, Democracy and Human Rights, and works on Elections, Democracy, and Human Rights. She works and teaches in the area of Electoral Observation, Electoral Justice, among others. BRIDGE certified trainer. Carla has carried out work in the area of Elections and Democracy, with international and national institutions. Among these, she worked with International IDEA on Electoral Justice in 2018 and 2019. Visiting researcher in The Electoral Integrity Project, coord. by Prof. Pippa Norris, Sydney University - Harvard University, 1st semester 2015. UNDP Electoral Legal Adviser in Timor-Leste, on the 2012 Electoral Cycle. Researcher in the Project "Peacebuilding and sustainable peace: UN missions in Timor-Leste and Portugal's contribution" (2012-2014). Board Member of the Portuguese National Electoral Commission since 2010. PhD on International Politics and Conflict Resolution, University of Coimbra. E.ma European Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation, Law Degree by the New University of Lisbon. 



Diana Silva is a Nurse with working experience in national and international community health projects. She worked in East Timor (2011-2012) with the NGO Doctors of the World – Portuguese Delegation, providing support to the design, implementation and monitoring of health policies in the community services. Diana worked in São Tomé and Príncipe with the Portuguese NGO AMI - International Medical Assistance, where she trained health professionals (2013). She coordinated a project aiming to overcome migrant's barriers to access health services and worked as Health Officer and Nurse at a Harm reduction center for people who use drugs both projects located in Lisbon and promoted by GAT- Portuguese Group of Activists on Treatments (2013-2016). Alongside her work experience, she volunteered and was responsible for volunteer management in several health and educational projects. She is currently a Non-formal Education Facilitator and delivers training on Human Rights, Children's Rights and Participation. She worked, within Lisbon Municipality, in the Human Rights Education Programme (2016-2017), and EAThink - Eat local Think global project, promoted by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (2016). In 2017 she founded the educational project Pirilampos Ed. and is working with children and teens, developing socio-emotional competencies through yoga and mindfulness.


Véronique Lerch is an international human rights consultant, specialized in child rights and governance issues, working for institutions as UNICEF and the European Commission. Her areas of expertise are: policy development, child and youth participation, alternative care, advocacy and communication for change, organizational development and capacity-building. She was previously the Head of the Advocacy department of a large child rights organization: SOS Children’s Villages International. She notably led an advocacy campaign to improve the rights of young people ageing out of the care system in over 20 countries of Europe and Central Asia and introduced participatory methods in the campaign allowing children and young people to be change agents. She also worked for the Africa department of the global anti-corruption coalition, Transparency International. She holds a European Master degree in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA) from EIUC and a Master in International Affairs from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Paula Duarte Lopes