Teaching the History of Enslavement and Race in the Colony-Metropole Nexus
Recent relevant publications by the team:
Araújo, Marta (2025), Crossings and Anchorages: The Circulation of the Painting The King's Fountain and the Negotiation of Post-Colonial Racial Imaginaries in Portugal, Social Identities: Journal of the Study of Race, Nation, and Culture, 1-19.
Araújo, Marta; Nimako, Kwame (2022), Mobilizing History: Racism, Enslavement and Public Debate in Contemporary Europe, in Shirley Anne Tate and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 449-466.
Barros, Víctor (2024), Colonial Monuments, Portuguese Commemorations and the Writing of the History of the Colony of Cabo Verde. Contemporary European History, 33, 705–724.
Monteiro, Francisco Osvaldino (2023), Representações de Portugal nos manuais de ensino primário cabo-verdiano (1975-1990), Práticas da História, Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, 17, 41-81.
Bobrowizc- Campos, Elzbieta; Matos, Armanda; Festas, Isabel; Seixas, Ana Maria (2021), Media Education Within the National Strategy for Citizenship Education A Study with Portuguese Schools Integrating the Project for Autonomy and Curriculum Flexibility, Sisyphus Journal of Education, 9, 3, 07-29.