CES Award for Young Portuguese-Speaking Social Scientists
Alexandre Marcussi wins the 10th edition of CES Award
July 2017
The Jury for the 10th edition of the CES Award for Young Portuguese-speaking Scientists, chaired by Boaventura de Sousa Santos and made up of Cristiana Bastos (Institute of Social Sciences), José Castiano (Pedagogical University of Mozambique), José Neves (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Nilma Gomes (Federal University of Minas Gerais), took the unanimous decision to nominate the winner:
Alexandre Marcussi with Cativeiro e Cura - Experiências religiosas da escravidão atlântica nos calundus de Luzia Pinta, séculos XVII-XVIII
The jury has also granted three Special Mentions to the following works:
- O Serviço Doméstico Sob Os Holofotes Públicos: alterações na articulação entre trabalho produtivo e reprodutivo no Brasil by Alexandre Fraga;
- Crise, austeridade e ação coletiva: experiências de aprendizagem crítica com Teatro do Oprimido by Inês Barbosa;
- A Formação do Precariado. Transformações no Trabalho e Mobilizações de Precários em Portugal by José Soeiro.
With the prize money of 5.000,00 Euros, the 10th CES Award edition is funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
About the Award
In 1999, the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra has created a biennial award for young researchers (up to age 35) from Portuguese-speaking countries. CES Award is designed to distinguish high-quality work in the field of the Social Sciences and the Humanities. One of its main goals is to acknowledge studies that, for their outstanding merit, contribute to the development of the Portuguese-speaking scientific communities. The Social Sciences is broadly understood.