Theses defended

Modelos de governação do risco: Análise comparativa entre três Sistemas Nacionais de Proteção Civil

Manuel João Morais Ribeiro

Public Defence date
March 22, 2018
Doctoral Programme
Territory, Risk and Public Policies
José Manuel Mendes
The study and the knowledge of the risk governance processes are an important explanatory reference of the options and guidelines assumed by the States in the pursuit of safety. Consequently, it is also an objective indicator to understand the public policies of the organization and functioning of the national systems of civil protection. Investigating these governance policies and models related to the safety sector in civil protection, framing them in the respective political contexts, and crossing them with the processes of involvement of citizens and civil society is the purpose of this thesis.

Starting from the discussion around notions such as risk, management and governance, not only in more intrinsically conceptual and interpretive areas, but also in more normative and institutional manifestations, this approach focuses in discussion on three of the major theoretical perspectives of a sociology of risk: the risk society of Ulrich Beck, the governmentality and biopolitics for Michel Foucault and the cultural and symbolic focus of Mary Douglas.

Based on a matrix crossing two axes, political standard and citizenship, a theoretical-analytical proposal of four typological models of risk governance was built. These four models are: directive, hierarchical, decentralized and cooperative, which will frame and justify the results of the case studies.

Then it is promoted a contextualization of international regulation in risk governance, namely from UN and EU, presenting, subsequently, a comparison chart with statistic data between the three case studies: United Kingdom, France and Portugal. For each of the three countries, it is promoted an exposition and analytical reading, where there are identifed the main processes and mechanisms that lead to formulation, and the current formatting of their respective models of safety and civil protection systems.

It was concluded by presenting the results of empirical research performed by crossing them with the theoretical analytical model and highlighting the predominant type of risk governance model in each of the social formations discussed.

Keywords: risk governance, typological models, civil protection systems and intergovernmental relations on risk