Rui Lobo



Rui Lobo (Mozambique, 1970) is CES researcher and auxiliar professor at the Departament of Architecture / Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), where he teaches since 1994. He has a Degree in Architecture at the University of Coimbra (1994), acomplished "Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica e Capacidade Científica" at the FCTUC (2000) and has a PhD in Architecture at the University of Coimbra (2010) with the thesis "A Universidade na Cidade. Urbanismo e arquitectura universitários na Península Ibérica da idade média e da primeira idade moderna". He has produced research in the field of history of architecture and urbanism, especially concerning university and college buildings and facilities. He also researches in history of Portuguese architecture and jesuit architecture. From 2011 to 2015 he was Coordinator of the Master Course in Architecture at the FCTUC, and from 2015 to 2018 he was Vice-Director of the Department of Architecture / FCTUC. He is currently Vice-Coordinator of the Doctoral Course in Architecture of the University of Coimbra, since 2014. He is also currently Vice-Director of CES.

Latest Publications

Book Chapter

Lobo, Rui (2024), Fernando Távora as a Professor of History of Architecture at the University of Coimbra, 1994-2000, in Barbara Bogoni, João Mendes Ribeiro (org.), In Class with Távora. Teaching and learning (living) today. Matosinhos: AMAG, 81-103

Book Chapter

Lobo, Rui (2024), The architecture of Jesuit colleges and their secularly function - a brief overview, from an Iberian perspective, in Thomas Grunewald (org.), Frühneuzeitliche Schularchitekturen. Internationale und interdisziplinäre perspective («Hallesche Forschungen», 67). Halle: Franckeschen Stiftungen, 75-111

Article in Scientific journal

Lobo, Rui (2023), "O Colégio e a Igreja de São Paulo de Braga e mais dois notáveis (e desaparecidos) edifícios bracarenses", Monumentos, 40, 84-97