Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Member of the Organizing Committee of Encontro Construir Juntos a Economia Solidária, FEUC, 22 to 23 May by 2018 (com Hespanha, Pedro Lucas dos Santos, Luciane).
Member of the Organizing Committee of First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy, CES Lisboa, 04 to 08 September by 2017 (com Hespanha, Pedro Lucas dos Santos, Luciane).
Member of the Organizing Committee of GT89, XIII Conlab: Materialidades, cosmovisões e o lugar do sagrado nas outras Economias: apostando em outras lógicas de organização da vida, Lisboa, 01 to 05 February by 2015 (com Lucas dos Santos, Luciane Micarelli, Giovanna).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Quando o Orçamento Participativo e as Moedas Sociais se encontram, CES, 21 to 21 October by 2014 (com Lucas dos Santos, Luciane Allegretti, Giovanni).
Organization of International Colloquium "Territory, Interculturality and Buen-Vivir: the indigenous peoples' struggles in Brasil , FEUC - Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 24 to 24 June by 2014.
Organization of Round of dialogue "Indigenous peoples´ struggles in Brazil", CES, 23 to 23 June by 2014.
Member of the Organizing Committee of International Seminar "Solidarity Economy: a seed for the future", Coimbra - FEUC, 03 to 04 November by 2011 (com Hespanha, Pedro ; Santos, Luciane Lucas dos; Queiróz, Karine; Caitana, Beatriz; Queiróz, Kacerine; Oliveira, Alexandre; Quiñonez, Eber; Schwambach, Roberta; Ivo, Pedro; Cechova, Natalia).
Presentations in scientific events
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Petrus, Fernanda; Campos, Rita (2023), "Intersectional multispecies environmental justice: how distant are decision-makers and even communities from this goal?", paper presented at WINIR Conference on Institutional Innovation and Evolution, Catania, 19 to 22 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2023), "Why does community resilience depends on economic, social and multispecies environmental justice?", paper presented at 9th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, semi-plenary "SE and Social Movements in the Transition Agenda", Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 12 to 12 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2023), "Transformative change through the lenses of intersectionality: potentialities and challenges to commoning and just transition in contemporary societies", paper presented at 9th EMES International Conference on Social Enterprises, Frankfurt, 11 to 14 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2023), "Spatial democracy, regenerative urban planning and representational justice ", paper presented at Healthy Home Summer School: Human and Nature-Based Solutions for inclusive and innovative urban regeneration , Colégio da Trindade, Coimbra, 06 to 06 July.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2022), "Challenges to forging autonomy and overcoming asymmetries in times of the institutionalisation of social mediation: rethinking voluntary sector governance through the Epistemologies of the South", paper presented at PA Theory 2022 Plenary (PA Theory Network Conference 2022), Centro dCentro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Santa Fé, México, 17 to 17 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2022), "The Re-embeddedness of the Economy by Minority Women in the Global South", paper presented at American Economic Association Annual Meeting, virtual, 07 to 09 January.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2021), "The relevance of community resilience in times of disruption: pandemics, community economies and the political under the radar.", paper presented at Seminar Series Condition Critical: disruption, disaster and the challenges to law, Online, 14 to 14 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2021), "Is it possible to decolonise social enterprise? The need of refreshing economic imageries", paper presented at ENAPEGS 2021, "Empresas sociais, negócios de impacto e Economia Solidária , The Federal University of Alagoas/hybrid format, 24 to 27 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2021), "The political economy of materiality and the way black women might be erased as citizens in the everyday economy.", paper presented at RIPESS Gender Workshop, session "Where are the minority women in the European Solidarity Economy agenda?", Online meeting - RIPESS Europe, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme and CES-UC, 10 to 10 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2019), "Quelle contribution peut l'économie féministe apporter au la Economie Solidaire? Brèves réflexions", paper presented at 19ème Forum Régional de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire. Transformer les Économies, transformer la vie, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, 22 November.
Eynaud, Philippe ; Laville, Jean-Louis; Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Hulgard, Lars; Andersen, Linda (2019), "Presentation of the book "Theory of Social Enterprise and Pluralism"", paper presented at 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise - Semi-plenary "Theory of solidarity social enterprise and pluralism: a North-South dialogue", Sheffield Hallam University, 26 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2019), "A feminist look at mothering, care issues and women's networks for mutual support: householding and reciprocity in everyday economy
", paper presented at 7th EMES International Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 24 to 27 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Collective organisation and autonomy in the commons approach: the sense of democracy in community economies and Solidarity Economy", paper presented at International Conference "Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons", Roundtable "From the Workshop to the Assembly: How can Social Solidarity Economy renew Democracy?", Lisbon, 22 to 24 November.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Feminisms of the South and intercultural translation as political articulation between subaltern women.", paper presented at Colloquium CES - Imagining the future. Knowledges, experiences, alternatives, Panel Entre a razão quente e a razão fria, o presente do projeto Alice e o futuro das Epistemologias do Sul (II), Coimbra, 07 to 10 November.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "El consumo, la economia como la conocemos y las jerarquías de género: reflexiones sobre el contexto atual", paper presented at Guest lecturer, Master Programme on Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Campus de Somosaguas, 16 to 16 October.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Other perspectives on the economy: solidarity economy, women's autonomy and urban revitalisation", paper presented at International webinar for URBiNAT Project, FEUC, 18 to 18 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Feminist Economics and different perspectives on householding and redistribution", paper presented at Guest lecturer, Doshisha University, Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus, 07 to 07 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Solidarity Economy, Feminist perspectives and Polanyian principles of economic integration", paper presented at Guest lecturer,Doshisha University, Doshisha University, Imadegawa Campus, 07 to 07 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Intercultural translation as a tool against the fear and ignorance of Othering: Subaltern women and the constitution of insurgent arenas", paper presented at The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2018, Kobe, 01 to 03 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Alargamento epistemológico da Economia Solidária pelas Economia(s) Feminista(s) e pelas teorias pós-coloniais, Panel "Economia Solidária em Portugal", com Pedro Hespanha.", paper presented at Construir Juntos a Economia Solidária, FEUC, 22 to 23 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "Autonomy should be our keyword: Feminism from the South and subaltern cosmopolitism in Social and Solidarity Economies ", paper presented at 3rd Polanyi-EMES International Seminar, Panel Discussion Democratically owned enterprises: a road towards international solidarity?, Helsinki, 16 to 17 April.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2018), "When the domestic is also political: redistribution by women from the South. A feminist approach", paper presented at 3rd Polanyi-EMES International Seminar, Roskilde University, 16 April 17 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Can Solidarity Economy really foster a different perspective of Consumption? Solidarity Consumption and Exchange Fairs.", paper presented at International lecture - "Can Solidarity Economy really foster a different perspective of Consumption? Solidarity Consumption and Exchange Fairs", Tokyo, Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, 12 to 12 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Thinking of Solidarity Economy and its relationship with Feminist Economics - Lecturer at the session "Women in Solidarity Economy" (with Lina Coelho)", paper presented at First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy, Lisbon - CES, 04 to 08 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Thinking of Economics and its relationship with Solidarity Economy, Lecturer at the session "The Solidarity Economy and the relationship with the other economies" (with Pedro Hespanha)", paper presented at First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy, Lisbon - CES, 04 to 08 September.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Intersections between gender, class and age: a glance at the indebtedness of the elderly women in Brazil", paper presented at "Carrying Debt to the Grave? The increasing indebtedness of the elderly", Panel Session "International Perspectives", Ottawa, Carleton University, 08 to 08 August.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "Guajajara economy in the eyes of indigenous women", paper presented at Seminar - Guajajara economy in the eyes of indigenous women, CES, 28 to 28 March.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2017), "To what extent could we think of a Postcolonial Feminist Economics?", paper presented at Lecture - PhD Programme in Feminist Studies, FLUC, Faculty of Arts, 16 to 16 March.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2016), "Polanyi through the lens of Epistemologies of the South and Postcolonial Feminist Economics: different glances at the concept of disembeddedness", paper presented at 2nd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar , Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers - CNAM, 19 to 20 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2016), "Uma reflexão epistemológica sobre a Economia e as alternativas ao mercado: pensando a Economia Solidária em Portugal e na Europa", paper presented at I Fórum Português de Economia Social e Solidária, ISCTE - Lisboa, 13 to 14 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2016), "Consumption, social hierarchies and economic coloniality: against the banalisation of awareness", paper presented at Seminar "Consumption, social hierarchies and economic coloniality: against the banalisation of awareness", CES, 15 to 15 February.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2015), "Merits and risks of institutionalisation of solidarity markets in Portugal", paper presented at 5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinqui, 29 June 03 July.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2015), "Imaginários económicos pós-coloniais, perspectivas interseccionais da pobreza e o lugar das outras economias", paper presented at A construção da pobreza nas políticas sociais e no imaginário social., CES, 22 to 22 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2015), "The sacred in Guajajara economy: connections between the rites and production/consumption practices", paper presented at XII Conlab, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 01 to 05 February.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Allegretti, Giovanni (2014), "Quando o Orçamento Participativo e as Moedas Sociais se encontram", paper presented at Quando o Orçamento Participativo e as Moedas Sociais se encontram, CES, 21 to 21 October.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Moedas Sociais em Portugal", paper presented at Roda de Diálogos "Moedas Sociais, bancos comunitários e circulantes locais: da teoria às práticas", CES, 23 to 23 July.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Territoriality and Guajajara Cosmovision: spirituality, consumption practices and the organisation of material life.", paper presented at International Colloquium Epistemologies of the South, Department of Architecture, 10 to 12 July.
Hespanha, Pedro ; Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Caitana, Beatriz; Quiñonez, Eber (2014), "Mapping the Solidarity Economy initiatives in Portugal: some theoretical and practical statements", paper presented at International Colloquium Epistemologies of the South, Departament of Architecture, 10 to 12 July.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Indigenous women and material life organization: struggles and challenges", paper presented at Feminist Economies - Gender Workshop Series IV, CES, 26 to 26 June.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "No to the absences, yes to the emergences: from exchange trading systems to indigenous exchange circuits", paper presented at Advanced Seminars - Alice Project, CES, 12 to 15 May.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Can Global Environmental Justice be a fitting concept regarding Economic Justice?", paper presented at VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade de Évora, 14 to 16 April.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Education for consumption in the school: exchange trading systems for children as a pedagogic practice", paper presented at VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade de Évora, 14 to 16 April.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Is it possible to think of other consumption and development models for Portugal? Crisis, Solidarity Fairs as proximity economy and public policies towards local development", paper presented at VII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, FEUC - Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 14 to 16 April.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Territoriality, Cosmovision and Indigenous Economy: spirituality and other logics of organizing material life", paper presented at Religion and Epistemologies of the South, Centro de Estudos Sociais, 27 to 27 February.
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2014), "Providing visibility to the Homeless People´s work: when social currency and labor activities are put together to face marginalisation and extreme poverty", paper presented at Eastern Sociological Society - 84th. Annual Meeting, Baltimore Hilton, 20 to 23 February.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2013), "Is it possible to think of an alternative and counter-hegemonic aesthetics in cultural and material consumption practices?", paper presented at Conference on Culture and Social Change: The Role of Aesthetics, London School of Economics, 16 to 17 December.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2013), "Intercultural translation between solidarity economy and indigenous economy: new perspectives towards more cognitive and social justice", paper presented at Exchange Circuits and Consumption, Manaus - Fiocruz, 20 to 20 July.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2013), "Reading between the lines of consumption: the social impact of the neoextrativist development model in the human dignity", paper presented at Consumption and Communication, Rio de Janeiro State University, 29 to 29 June.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2013), "Beyond spetacle-cities and invisible cities: alternative ways of consumption for citizens articulation", paper presented at Seminar "Communication, Urban Spaces and Consumption: contemporary perspectives", Rio de Janeiro State University, 23 to 23 May.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2013), "The impacts of the development model on the human dignity: interculturality and the new sociabilities building-up as an antidote to the structural violence.", paper presented at 105º Peace Culture Forum (UNESCO/Palas Athena).
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2012), "Reflections on the non-capitalist exchange circuits from the perspective of participative observation", paper presented at Talks on Methodologies, Coimbra - CES, 13 to 04 October.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2011), "Intercultural translation as an educational process: the dialogue between solidarity markets and indigenous peasant economies. ", paper presented at IV Latin American Social Sciences and Humanities Symposium , Arica - Chile, 30 November 02 December.
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2011), "Contrary to the capitalist consumption model: the exchange trading systems and the solidarity consumption perspective.", paper presented at International Seminar: "Solidarity Economy: a seed for the future", Coimbra - Portugal, 04 to 04 November.