Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of Conversas sobre a Europa, Coimbra, Portugal, 06 March to 17 April 2024.
Organization of LPAZ Forum - The Azores, the Atlantic and the Global Challenges, Santa Maria, Açores, 07 to 09 September by 2023.
Organization of Quatro décadas de Estudos Europeus em Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 23 June 2023.
Organization of The Rise of Ocean Regions. Governance Challenges for the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic, Pretória, África do Sul, 02 to 03 November by 2022.
Organization of IV Seminário do Centro do Atlântico, Lisboa e online, 17 to 21 October by 2022.
Organization of Asas sobre o Atlântico. Os Açores e os desafios do Ocidente, Santa Maria, Açores, 08 to 10 September by 2022.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Roundtable: The Security of Subsea Data Cables and Marine Protected Areas, Lisboa , 30 June 2022 (com Simão, Licínia Bueger, Christian ).
Organization of Shifts in world geopolitics: cooperation and competition in the Atlantic, Ponta Delgada, 25 February 2022.
Organization of III Seminário do Centro do Atlântico, Lisboa , 19 to 19 October by 2021.
Member of the Organizing Committee of II Seminário do Centro do Atlântico, Lisboa, 16 to 16 October by 2020 (com Simão, Licínia Lemos Pires, Nuno).
Member of the Organizing Committee of I Seminário do Centro para a Defesa do Atlântico , Lisboa , 21 to 21 November by 2019 (com Simão, Licínia Lemos Pires, Nuno ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Secção 38 "Rethinking Agency Beyond, or in Spite of, the State", da 11ª Conferência Pan-Europeia da European International Studies Association, Barcelona, Espanha, 13 to 16 September by 2017 (com Simão, Licínia Polese, Abel).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Secção 41 "States, Markets, Powers: An Exploration of Varieties of Capitalisms and Security", da 10ª Conferência Pan-Europeia da European International Studies Association, İzmir, Turquia, 07 to 10 September by 2016 (com Simão, Licínia Polese, Abel).
Organization of O nexo segurança interna-externa na UE: desafios à segurança internacional, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 18 February 2016.
Organization of Strategic Challenges in the EU's neighbourhood: The Mediterranean and the Eastern Neighbours, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 18 to 18 April by 2013.
Organization of Guest Lecture with John McCormick "Transatlantic Relations and the Global Shifts of Power" e so seminário "Is the EU still relevant? Dilemmas and answers to the EU's global presence", Fulbright Intercountry Lecturing Program. , University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 11 to 12 April by 2013.
Organization of public lecture with João Soares, "Interparliamentary cooperation: contrtibutions to global governance", University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 31 May 2012.
Organization of public lecture by José Manuel Pureza "The ICC and grave violations of human rights", University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 28 November 2011.
Member of the Organizing Committee of international seminar "The EU's Role in the South Caucasus: From Cooperation to Partnership through Reforms. Challenges and Opportunities", in the farmework of the project "Early Warning Systems: from Analysis to Action", Improving Institutional Capacity for early Warning Cluster (IICEW Cluster), Initiative for Peacebuilding (IfP), Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, 12 May 2011 (com Freire, Maria Raquel; Simao, Licinia; Markarov, Alexander).
Organization of public lecture "A presença dos Estados Unidos na Ásia", with Luís Tomé, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 26 March 2011.
Organization of conference "The impact of the financial crisis in the foreign plicies of the US, China, Russia and Portugal", University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 14 January 2011.
Presentations in scientific events
Simão, Licínia; Fernandes, Sandra (2024), "Portugal and the 'Easternisation' of Europe's security and defense policies", paper presented at 65.ª Convenção Annual da International Studies Association, São Francisco, CA, 03 to 06 April.
Simão, Licínia; da Mota, Sarah (2024), "The European Union beyond the liberal paradigm - the constitutive role of geopolitics in the EU's identity as a global actor", paper presented at 65.ª Convenção Annual da International Studies Association, São Francisco, CA, 03 to 06 April.
Simão, Licínia; Fernandes, Sandra (2023), "Portugal and the 'Easternisation' of Europe's security and defense policies", paper presented at 10.ª conferência anual de estudos internacionais CERAN 2023, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisboa, 12 to 15 September.
Simão, Licínia (2022), "Rússia e desafios à Segurança Europeia", paper presented at Grupo de Reflexão sobre Estratégia Nacional , online, 08 March.
Simão, Licínia (2022), paper presented at Webinar: A Crise Ucraniana e as Transformações no Espaço Pós-soviético, online, 07 February.
Simão, Licínia (2022), paper presented at Missões Internacionais na promoção da paz e segurança: o caso de Portugal, online, 31 January.
Simão, Licínia (2022), paper presented at webinar "EU External Borders: Is Migration Crisis a Threat to Security?", online, 15 January.
Simão, Licínia (2020), "Espaço Euroasiático em tempos de COVID-19", paper presented at A Pandemia COVID-19: quais as implicações para a política e segurança internacionais?, online, 21 May.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "EU-Russia energy relations: ators and challenges. The role of transit countries", paper presented at "The geopolitics of gas and the future of EU-Russia relations until 2035", Institute of National Defese, Lisbon, Portugal, 06 December.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "Imagining the state: authority, boundaries and contestation in post-Soviet statebuilding", paper presented at 1st International Conference on Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies , Autónoma University of Lisbon, Portugal, 29 to 30 November.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "The European Neighbourhood: The Eastern Partnership (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Round table on "European Security" , Institute of National Defese, Lisbon, Portugal, 29 November.
Simão, Licínia (2018), paper presented at Jantar-debate "Brexit - que desafios e consequências para a Europa?", Coimbra, Portugal, 23 November.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "EU's external differentiation: Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement patterns", paper presented at EU's differentiated integration: Internal and external dimensions, Tbilisi, Georgia, 12 November.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "A China de XI Jinping", paper presented at Curso de Verão - Transições, Óbidos, Portugal, 13 to 15 September.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "Unpacking the EU's international actorness: debates, theories and concepts ", paper presented at FLACSO-ISA Joint International Conference, Quito, Equador, 25 to 27 July.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "Non-state actors and South Caucasus security: influence from below, within and beyond the state", paper presented at European Union in International Affairs, Academia das Ciências, Bruxelas, Bélgica, 16 to 18 May.
Nascimento, Daniela; Simão, Licínia (2018), "O multilateralismo e a paz liberal", paper presented at IX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 18 to 20 April.
Simão, Licínia (2018), paper presented at Mesa redonda de apresentação da 'Enciclopédia da União Europeia, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 12 April.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "Unpacking the EU's international actorness: lessons from its relations with Russia", paper presented at workshop "Russia and the EU in the contemporary global order", Universidade Jawharlal Nehru University, Nova Delhi, Índia, 27 March.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "The Europeanisation of the South Caucasus: what does it mean?", paper presented at International Conference on
Future of Conditionality in Eastern Europe and Eurasia:
Perceptions and Policies, Centre for Social Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia, 29 to 30 January.
Simão, Licínia (2018), "Can the unravelling European security regime be saved?", paper presented at The European Union and Russia: Where Now?, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 18 January.
Simão, Licínia (2017), "Sanctions as symbolic politics in Russian foreign policy", paper presented at seminário "Regionalism and identities in the post-Soviet areas: Actors and Processes after the Ukrainian crisis", Science Po, Bordeaux, França, 26 to 27 October.
Simão, Licínia (2017), "Statebuilding and Civil Society Development in the South Caucasus: Conflicting Agendas and Fields of Tension", paper presented at Seminário "Civil society in the ENP countries", Colégio da Europa, Bruges, Bélgica, 20 October.
Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2017), "Turning points and shifting understandings of European security: The European Neighbourhood Policy's development", paper presented at Seminário "The EU and Security Issues in Wider Europe", University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Escócia , 18 October.
Simão, Licínia; Leitão, António (2017), "Producing knowledge on regional security: the EU's liberal governmentality challenged in Ukraine", paper presented at 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Espanha, 13 to 16 September.
Simão, Licínia (2017), "The OSCE PA and democratic governance in Central Asia: norm diffusion in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan", paper presented at 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Espanha, 13 to 16 September.
Simão, Licínia (2017), "Differentiation and adaptation: Armenia's challenge to the European Neighbourhood Policy", paper presented at Seminário "Contested Global Governance, Transformed Global Governors?" , OSCE Academy, Bisqueque, Quirguistão, 03 to 04 July.
Simão, Licínia; Leitão, António (2017), "Governing the periphery: EU policies towards civil society in Georgia and Azerbaijan", paper presented at workshop "Technologies of Power: The EU's External Relations as Governmentality", in "New Frontiers in International Relations", European Workshops in International Studies, Cardiff, Reino Unido, 07 to 10 June.
Simão, Licínia; Santos, Sofia José (2017), "Imagining Europe: EU communication imaginaries and strategy on refuge and migration", paper presented at Europe in Transit(ion): political, cultural, and communicative experiences of mobility and mobilisation in Europe, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, 15 May.
Simão, Licínia (2017), paper presented at Mesa redonda "Política de Vizinhança da UE: Desafios e oportunidades", organizada no âmbito da Cátedra Jean Monnet "EU External Relations to the East", Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 21 April.
Simão, Licínia; Sofia, Geraldes (2017), "The role of perceptions in Russian foreign policy towards the EU: questioning the EU's normative role through a sovereigntist discourse", paper presented at Fifth Global International Studies Conference, WISC, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 01 to 03 April.
Simão, Licínia (2017), "The changing geopolitics of gas: impact on Eu-Russia relations", paper presented at The geopolitics of energy and energy security, Lisbon, 12 to 12 January.
Simão, Licínia (2016), "The ENP's Security Promotion in the South Caucasus: Whose security?From what threat? By what means?", paper presented at ENP Summer School "The ENP under Pressure: Conceptual and Empirical Understandings of EU Foreign Policy towards the Southern and Eastern Neighbours", College of Europe, Natolin Campus, Warsaw, Poland, 25 June.
Raube, Kolja; Simão, Licínia (2016), "The European Neighbourhood Policy and CSDP: the interplay of stability promotion and conflict resolution", paper presented at ECPR-SGEU, Trento, Italy, 16 to 18 June.
Simão, Licínia (2016), "Coherence Between the ENP and CSDP: Exercising Comprehensive Security", paper presented at Europe as a Global Actor international Conference, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 to 24 May.
Simão, Licínia (2016), "Non-state actors and South Caucasus security: the interaction of the EU and international CSOs", paper presented at Workshop on "The EU's relations with Eastern Europe and Central Asia: The role of non-state actors", Maastrciht, NL, 28 to 29 April.
Simão, Licínia (2016), "Bringing the international back in: the performative and constitutive nature of violence in the Caspian region", paper presented at 57ª Convenção Anual, International Studies Association (ISA), Atlanta, USA, 16 to 19 March.
Simão, Licínia; Elham, Gharji (2016), "Structural impediments to regional cooperation around in the Caspian region", paper presented at VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, 10 to 12 March.
Freire, Maria Raquel; Simão, Licínia (2016), "Resposta a crises da UE: o caso da Geórgia numa perspectiva de assemblage", paper presented at VIII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, 10 to 12 March.
Simao, Licinia (2015), "Russia-Central Asia relations: strategic vectors and challenges", paper presented at Post-graduation in Information Management and Security, IDN-ISEGI/UNL, Nova University of Lisbon, ISEGI, Lisbon, Portugal, 30 October.
Simao, Licinia (2015), "The global dimension of energy: governance as politicization?", paper presented at Interdisciplinary Colloquium "Visions of Light", University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 01 to 03 October.
Maria Raquel, Freire; Simão, Licínia (2015), "Westphalianism à la carte - Russian foreign policy in a changing international system", paper presented at 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, 23 to 26 September.
Simao, Licinia (2015), "The Ukrainian conflict in Russian foreign policy: rethinking the interconnections between domestic and foreign policy strategies", paper presented at 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, 23 to 26 September.
Javier, Martínez Contreras; Daniela, Nascimento; Simao, Licinia (2015), "Contestation and Citizenship Rights: Challenges to the Nation State and to European Integration", paper presented at UACES Annual Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 07 to 09 September.
Simao, Licinia (2015), "The Eastern Partnership's contribution to security in Europe: bringing the political back in?", paper presented at EUSA Fourteenth Biennial Conference, Boston, USA, 05 to 07 March.
Simao, Licinia (2015), "The Crisis in Ukraine (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Course for the auditors of the Course of National Defense, Institute of National Defense, Lisbon, 05 February.
Freire, Maria Raquel; Simao, Licinia (2014), "Uncertainty in a changing interna􀆟onal system: Russia's 'westphalianism' challenged?", paper presented at FLACSO-ISA Joint International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 to 25 July.
Nascimento, Daniela ; Simao, Licinia (2014), "A Critical Reading of Human Rights: The Challenges Of Translating Normativity into Politcal Acton", paper presented at FLACSO-ISA Joint International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23 to 25 July.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "The EaP's contribution to security in Europe: bringing the political back in?", paper presented at Workshop "Europe's Near Abroad: Building an understanding of the changing Eastern Neighbourhood" , Global Europe Centre, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 30 June.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "The EU's Conflict Resolution Policies in the Eastern Neighbourhood: Dilemmas and Opportunities in the Post-Vilnius Context", paper presented at Workshop "EU, Russia and their common neighbours: new realities in the making", Center for EU-Russia Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia, 06 June.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "Insecurity and conflicts in Eurasia: new frameworks of analysis (in Portuguese)", paper presented at VII Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 14 to 16 April.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "NATO's withdrawal from Afghanistan and its impact in Central Asia: New challenges to the security of regional powers (in Portuguese)", paper presented at 6th session of the "Asia and the World - perspectives for the 21st century" meetings: "China, Central Asia and Afghanistan - Challenges and opportunities", Nova University of Lisbon, FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal, 03 April.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "Dynamics of Insecurity in Georgia: Building Peace Despite the Permanence of War?", paper presented at ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, 26 to 29 March.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "Dynamics of insecurity in Georgia: Building peace despite permanence of war?", paper presented at ISA Catalytic Workshop Program: "Actors, Processes & Institutions in Contemporary Eurasia", Toronto, Canada, 25 to 25 March.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "Russian foreign policy towards Africa: between Soviet legacies and modernization dreams", paper presented at Guest Lecture, Les Afriques das Le Monde, Institute d'Etudes Politiques, SciencePo Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 24 January.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "The EU's political system: the impact of the Lisbon Treaty", paper presented at Guest Lecture in the framework of the Integrated Course Coimbra-Bordeaux, Institute d'Etudes Politiques, SciencePo Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 22 January.
Simao, Licinia (2014), "EU relations with the Eastern neighbours: follow up to Vilnius", paper presented at Guest Lecture organised by Jeunes Européens - Bordeaux, Institute d'Etudes Politiques, SciencePo Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 22 January.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "The European Union and the post-Soviet space: stabiliser, partner or source of regional tension? (in Portuguese)", paper presented at 2nd open day of Political Science and International Relations , University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 10 December.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "Europe whole and free once more? The European Union and its Eastern neighbours", paper presented at Guest Lecture for the TV Programme "Kathedra" (Abkhazian State Television), Abkhazian State University, Sukhum/i, Georgia, 04 December.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "EU regional policies in the South Caucasus", paper presented at Seminar: "The European Neighbourhood Policy in the Eastern Region in Practice:Achievements and Perspectives before the Vilnius Summit", College of Europe, Natolin Campus, Warsaw, Poland, 22 November.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "The OSCE PA and the promotion of democratic governance in Central Asia: A critical appraisal", paper presented at 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Warsaw, Poland, 18 to 21 September.
Maurer, Heidi; Simao, Licinia (2013), "The EU as a security provider in its neighbourhood: Assessing 10 years of the ENP", paper presented at 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Warsaw, Poland, 18 to 21 September.
Simao, Licinia; Akgul Acikmese, Sinem (2013), "EU's Role in Unresolved Conflicts of the Black Sea: The Impact of EU Operations", paper presented at 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Warsaw, Poland, 18 to 21 September.
Simao, Licinia; Dias, Vanda (2013), "The securitisation of the EU's Eastern neighbourhood: what role for Russia?", paper presented at PSS-ISA Joint Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 27 to 29 June.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "CSO's and the case of Nagorno Karabakh", paper presented at International Summer School "CSOs Facilitating Cross-border Cooperation in Georgian Conflict Zones", University of Tartu, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 15 to 22 June.
Simao, Licinia (2013), paper presented at Round-table "Ukraine's European Integration: Challenges and Opportunities", University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 28 May.
Simao, Licinia (2013), "EU-Georgia relations and conflict resolution in the Caucasus", paper presented at Seminar "Challenges and Perspectives: Georgia after the Election in 2012", IPRIS, Lusíada University, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 May.
Simao, Licinia (2013), paper presented at Round-table "Política de Segurança e Defesa Europeia", OBSERVARE-UAL, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 May.
Maurer, Heidi; Simao, Licinia (2013), "From regional power to global power? The European Neighbourhood Policy after the Lisbon Treaty", paper presented at 13th Biannual EUSA conference, Baltimore, USA, 08 to 11 May.
Simao, Licinia (2013), paper presented at Round-table "Is Europe capable of taking care of its own security? Lessons learned from a decade of European Neighborhood Policy", Centre for Transatlantic Relations/Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C., USA, 07 May.
Simao, Licinia; Dias, Vanda (2013), "Sociological securitisation: understanding how Russia and Turkey influence EU security policies in the Wider Black Sea Area", paper presented at 54th ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA, 03 to 06 April.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The South Caucasus: between transition and security challenges (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Guest Lecture, PhD programme in Political Science. and International Relations, Braga, Portugal, 04 January.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The South Caucasus (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Guest Lecture, Master Programme in International Relations, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 21 December.
Simao, Licinia (2012), paper presented at Round-table "The elections and the US International politics", Institute of National Defense, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 December.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The EU's conflict prevention policies after Lisbon: mismatches between concepts and instruments", paper presented at Portuguese Security Studies Network (PT-SSN) Round-table: "The EU as a security actor in the international system", University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 November.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "Portuguese Foreign Policy towards the post-Soviet space (n Portuguese)", paper presented at Guest Lecture for the BA in International Relations, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 05 November.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The EU and Conflict Resolution: Changes after the Lisbon Treaty", paper presented at 42nd UACES Annual Conference, Passau, Germany, 03 to 05 September.
Simao, Licinia; Dias, Vanda (2012), "EU perceptions of Russian and Turkish policies in the overlapping neighbourhoods", paper presented at 42nd UACES Annual Conference, Passau, Germany, 03 to 05 September.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The EU's Security Role in Georgia after 2008: Lessons from the EU Monitoring Mission", paper presented at Jean Monnet Chair Guest Lecture, , Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, University of Carleton, Ottawa, Canada, 09 August.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "European Integration in Post-Soviet Eurasia: A Contribution to Regional Stability?", paper presented at Brown Bag Lunch, Centre for European Studies, EU Centre of Excellence, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 18 July.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "EU-South Caucasus Relations: the European Neighbourhood Policy as a Structural Stabilisation tool", paper presented at Jean Monnet Chair Conference "European spheres and International Relations - past and present: The Caspian Sea and the Black Sea", University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany, 29 to 30 June.
Freire, Maria Raquel; Simao, Licinia (2012), "From Words to Deeds': Assessing the Impact of EU Democracy Promotion in Armenia", paper presented at British International Studies Association and the International Studies Association Joint International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 20 to 22 June.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "Comparing EU and OSCE approaches to authoritarian regimes in Central Asia: the role of parliamentary cooperation", paper presented at 40th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Workshop "The Politics of Double-Standard? Revisiting the EU's Engagement with Authoritarian Regimes", Antwerp, Belgium, 10 to 15 April.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "Domestic and International Dynamics: Agency and(Re)action in Russian Foreign Policy", paper presented at 53rd ISA Annual Convention, San Diego, USA, 01 to 04 April.
Freire, Maria Raquel; Simao, Licinia (2012), "The EU's coming of age as a security actor: the case of EUMM in Georgia", paper presented at 53rd ISA Annual Convention , San Diego, USA, 01 to 04 April.
Simao, Licinia (2012), "The EU and Conflict resolution: what changes after the Lisbon Treaty? (in Portuguese)", paper presented at VI Biannual Congress of the Portuguese Association of Political Science, Lisbon, Portugal, 01 to 04 March.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU-Russia relations in the field of security:lessons from the South Caucasus (in Portuguese)", paper presented at I International Congress OBSERVARE, University Autónoma of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 16 to 19 November.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU foreign policy through security community enlargement: dilemmas and achievements ", paper presented at Guest lecture, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 17 to 21 October.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU relations with the South Caucasus: from distant neighbours to central partners?", paper presented at Guest lecture, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 17 to 21 October.
Simao, Licinia (2011), paper presented at Round-table/Fórum FNAC, tema: "9/11: what changed 10 years afterwards", Coimbra, Portugal, 15 September.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "Region-building in the neighbourhood: Assessing EU regional policies in the South Caucasus", paper presented at UACES 41st annual conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 05 to 07 September.
Simao, Licinia; Maurer, Heidi (2011), "Here to stay or already vanishing? Implications of the Lisbon Treaty for the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)", paper presented at UACES 41st annual conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 05 to 07 September.
Simao, Licinia; Maurer, Heidi (2011), "Here to stay or already vanishing? Implications of the Lisbon Treaty for the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)", paper presented at 6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 25 to 27 August.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU-Russia security relations: lessons from the South Caucasus", paper presented at WISC 11th Millennium Conference of CISS/ISA, Porto, Portugal, 17 to 20 August.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "Russia and Central Asia: Globalization and Hegemonic competition (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Summer Course, "The end of the USSR and the future of Russia", Instituto Português de Reçlações Internacionais (IPRI), Óbidos, Portugal, 16 to 18 June.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "Foreign policy in the borders of the EU: from integration to partnerships", paper presented at International conference on "European Union and its immediate neighbourhood: ten years into the new millennium", University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, 17 May.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2011), "The EU in the South Caucasus: a multidimensional agenda in a complex setting", paper presented at Seminar: "The EU's Role in the South Caucasus. From Cooperation to Partnership through Reforms: Challenges and Opportunities", Center for Social Studies and Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, 12 May.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "Region building in the neighbourhood: Assessing EU policies in the South Caucasus", paper presented at BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 01 to 04 April.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "The EU's policies towards its eastern neighbours: between crisis management and conflict prevention (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Seminar, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 22 March.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "Do leaders still decide? The role of leadership in Russian foreign policy making", paper presented at 52nd ISA Annual Convention, workshop "Domestic and International Dynamics: Agency and (Re)action in Russian Foreign Policy", Montreal, Canada, 15 to 19 March.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU-OSCE inter-institutional interaction: preventing water-related conflict in Central Asia?", paper presented at 52nd ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada, 15 to 19 March.
Simao, Licinia (2011), "EU-South Caucasus relations: do good governance and security go together?", paper presented at II Seminar of the Portuguese Security Studies Network (PT_SSN, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 28 January.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Illusive democracy, frozen peace: Mutually hindering in the conflict of Nagorno Karabakh?", paper presented at Conference on "Conflict as an Instrument in the Internal Political Struggles: Secession Crises in the Post-Soviet Area", Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 02 to 03 December.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "EU and OSCE Conflict Management Policies: Case studies from the South Caucasus and Central Asia", paper presented at lecture at the PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 29 October.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Discursive differences and policy outcomes: EU-Russia relations and security in Europe", paper presented at Conference on "The EU: an active player in a globalised world", "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania, 21 to 23 October.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Portuguese and Spanish relations with Moscow: contributions from the EU's periphery to the CFSP", paper presented at UACES 40th Annual Conference, Bruges, Belgium, 06 to 08 September.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Good governance and stability in the EU's Neighbourhood: norms, discourse and instruments in the Caucasus", paper presented at ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Porto, Portugal, 24 to 27 June.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Is there an Iberian approach to Russia? Portuguese and Spanish contributes to the CFSP", paper presented at ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Porto, Portugal, 24 to 27 June.
Simao, Licinia (2010), paper presented at Roundtable on "Nuclear non-proliferation", University Autónoma of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 08 June.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "EU-OSCE inter-institutional interaction: Preventing water-related conflict in Central Asia?", paper presented at Guest Lecture, OSCE Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 07 May.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Engaging with the 'neighbours': EU relations with the South Caucasus and Central Asia", paper presented at Guest lecture, American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 16 April.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Policy making in the periphery of the European Union: the case of the South Caucasus", paper presented at 51st ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA, 17 to 20 February.
Simao, Licinia (2010), "Are Civil Society Organisations the missing link? Assessing EU engagement in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict", paper presented at 51st ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA, 17 to 20 February.
Simao, Licinia (2009), paper presented at Roundtable on "EU-Russia Relations", University Autónoma of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 17 December.
Simao, Licinia (2009), "Security relations in the EU's neighbourhood: Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian perspectives", paper presented at ECPR 5th General Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 10 to 12 September.
Fernandes, Sandra; Simao, Licinia (2009), "Competing for Eurasia: Russian and European Union Perspectives", paper presented at UACES 39th Annual Conference, Angers, France, 03 to 05 September.
Simao, Licinia (2009), "Engaging civil society in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict: what role for the EU and its Neighbourhood Policy?", paper presented at Seminar on "The Nexus between the EU, Civil Society and Conflict in the European Neighbourhood", project WP 11/ MICROCON, "Conflicts in the European Neighbourhood", Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, Italy, 19 June.
Simao, Licinia (2009), "A Wider European Security Community? Measuring the Impact of the EU's Good Governance Policies in the South Caucasus", paper presented at Seminar on "Values vs. Security? The Choice for the EU and Its Neighbours - Meeting of ENP Book Contributors", Maastricht University/Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Brussels, Belgium, 30 April.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2009), "The ENP and Post-Soviet Transition in the South Caucasus: Triangulating Democracy, Security and Stability", paper presented at New Faces Conference, "Democratization and Security in Central and Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States", German Council on Foreign Relations/ Institute of International Relations, Prague, Czech Republic, 16 to 18 March.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "The ENP towards the South Caucasus: Forging a Wider European Security Community?", paper presented at Seminar, PhD in Political Science and International relations, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 27 November.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "Moving towards a grassroots solution in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict - What role for the EU and its neighbourhood policy?", paper presented at Seimnar "EU Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus: Learning from the Balkan Experience?", Univrsity of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, 13 November.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2008), "Post-Soviet transition in the South Caucasus: one step forward two steps back", paper presented at Seminar, "Southern Democracies: Legacies of the Past and International Constraints", Institute of Social Sciences, Universty of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 17 October.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "Forging a wider European security community: The ENP towards the South Caucasus", paper presented at UACES, 38th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 01 to 03 September.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "Bridges across the Caspian: EU-Azerbaijan relations with an eye on Central Asia", paper presented at 1st regional conference, Central Eurasian Studies Society, Issyk Kol, Kyrgyzstan, 04 to 07 August.
Guedes, Alena; Simao, Licinia (2008), "The Neighbourhood Factor: Perceptions of the EU on its Eastern borders in the cases of Belarus and Georgia", paper presented at WISC, 2nd Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23 to 26 July.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "A Wider European Security Community? Measuring the impact of the EU's good governance policies in the Caucasian context", paper presented at International Seminar "Values vs. Security? The Future Choice for the EU and its Neighbours", Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 04 to 05 June.
Simao, Licinia (2008), "Boa governação e estabilidade na vizinhança da UE: discursos e instrumentos no contexto do Cáucaso", paper presented at National Congress of the Portuguese Political Science Association , Lisbon, Portugal, 06 to 07 March.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2008), "Russian Presidential Elections: Continuity in Change (in Portuguese) ", paper presented at Debate "Russian Presidential Elections", Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais/Almedina Bookshop, Lisboa, Portugal, 28 February.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "EU relations with the Caucasus and Central Asia", paper presented at Seminar for Junior Diplomats, "Mutual Perceptions: The EU and its Eastern Neighbours", European Institute for Public Administration, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 24 to 28 September.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "A Política Europeia de Vizinhança e os desafios estratégicos da Europa", paper presented at II National Cogress, "Portugal e o Futuro da Europa", Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais, Lisbon, Portugal, 25 to 26 June.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "Securing Democratic Stability in the Neighbourhood: The ENP role in the South Caucasus", paper presented at Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section, 7th Millennium Series Conference, Buçaco, Portugal, 14 to 16 June.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "The ENP and the challenges in the South Caucasus (in Portuguese)", paper presented at Cycle of conferences "Europe and its eastern and south-eastern neighbours", Almedina Bookshop, Coimbra, Portugal, 12 June.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "PhD project", paper presented at Seminar for PhD condidates "EU and the new Neighbours in search of a new relationship", Istituto per l'Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica, University of Bologna, Forli, 28 May 01 June.
Simao, Licinia (2007), "Going strategic in Eurasia: the European Neighbourhood Policy's challenges in the South Caucasus", paper presented at II National Debate "The Future of Europe. Open Europe and its borders", International Institute for Strategic Studies, Coimbra, Portugal, 17 to 18 April.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2007), "The Armenian path towards democratization: internal and external dimensions of a tortuous process", paper presented at 5th General Internatina Conference "Political Science and Political Processes in Russian Federation and New Independent States of Post-Soviet Eurasia", Moscow, Russian Federation, 02 to 03 February.
Simao, Licinia (2006), "The Black Sea area and the South Caucasus region: Can Georgia bridge the gap?", paper presented at 3rd International Symposium, "The Black Sea Region Countries and Prospective Relations with European Union", Tbilisi, Georgia, 27 to 29 October.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2006), "Looking East: The EU and the Caucasus", paper presented at CISS ISA VI Millennium Series Conference "The Global Imperative: Responding to Change in the International System", Haia, The Netherlands, 02 to 04 June.
Freire, Maria R.; Simao, Licinia (2006), "The EU's Neighborhood Policy Towards the Southern Caucasus: Searching for Commonalty in a Patchy Scenario", paper presented at International Conference "Comparative Institutional Transformations and Institutional Design in the Post-Soviet Region", Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, 11 to 13 May.