Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of CULTURS Towards Creative Resilience? Re-Imagining Urban Cultures Sociabilities and Participation, Universidade de Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Fortuna, Carlos; Ferreira, Claudino; Sousa Santos, Eliana; Canto Moniz, Gonçalo; António, Kátia; Sancho Querol, Lorena; Maqsood, Mehmooda; Duxbury, Nancy; Sequeiros, Paula; Lemos, Paulo; Lobo, Rui; Silva, Sílvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Para uma história social do ambiente construído: perspetivas de investigação, Virtual: Plataforma Zoom, 18 to 18 May by 2023 (com Sousa Santos, Eliana; Losa Mendiratta, Sidh; Lobo, Rui; Almeida Marado, Catarina).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Celebrating Reyner Banham, CES, 31 May to 28 June 2022 (com Providência, Paulo; Figueira, Jorge; Sousa Santos, Eliana).

Member of the Organizing Committee of 5º Congresso Internacional de Arquitectura e Género: Acção | Feminismos e a espacialização dos direitos, CIAG , 12 November 2020 (com Sousa Santos, Eliana; Santos Pedrosa, Patrícia; Antunes, Lia; Paiva, Luísa; Souto, Helena ; Menezes Sequeira, João).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Matrices: Second International Congress on Architecture and Gender, Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, 18 to 21 March by 2015 (com Sousa Santos, Eliana; Matos, Maria João ; Alvarez Lombardero, Núria; Santos Pedrosa, Patrícia).

Organization of Systems of History: George Kubler´s Portuguese Plain Architecture, CES, Coimbra, 07 September 2012.

Presentations in scientific events

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2024), "Escola Primária da Quinta do Cedro: Escoa Jardim", paper presented at Fernando Távora: Pensamento Livre Conferêmcia #3, Fundação Marques da Silva, 20 to 20 January.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2022), "About Scenes in America Deserta", paper presented at Celebrating Reyner Banham, CES, 31 March 31 May.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2021), "What can historians do for architects?", paper presented at What? When? Why not? Portuguese Architecture, Casa da Arquitectura, Matosinhos, 30 October 30 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana; Bauer, Susanne (2021), "Local Modernism and Universal Aesthetics", paper presented at 16th International Docomomo Conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1 Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities, Tóquio, Japão (online)., 30 August 01 September.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2021), "Journeys through landscapes and histories", paper presented at Reading, Writing and Activating Urban Places: Methods and Assignments, Online, 07 to 07 April.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2019), "Terceira Via Não Alinhada: Uma Cronologia", paper presented at A Europa em Álvaro Siza, Museu de Serralves, 07 to 07 December.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2019), "Architecture as Cultural Capital: After Pierre Bourdieu and Erwin Panofsky", paper presented at AHRA 2019: Architecture & Collective Life, University of Dundee, 21 to 23 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2019), "Prime Objects and Replications: Revival Architecture and The Shape of Time", paper presented at Art in the Periphery, Universidade Nova de Lisboa , 14 to 16 March.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2018), "De Castor a Castorp: Montanhas Mágicas", paper presented at Montanha Mágica , Universidade Beira Interior, 02 to 09 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2018), "Revolutionary Aesthetics: Plain Architecture in Architectural Discourse", paper presented at IASTE: The Politics of Tradition ,, 04 to 07 October.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2017), "More Justice: A walk through a personal path", paper presented at MORE: Third International Congress on Architecture and Gender, Universidade de Florença.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2016), "Family of Minds: Plain Arts", paper presented at European Architectural History Network: Fourth International Meeting, Dublin, 02 to 04 June.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2015), "History Becoming Theory: George Kubler and Portuguese Plain", paper presented at This Thing Called Theory, 12th Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, United Kingdom, 19 to 21 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2015), "Portuguese Plain Architecture: When history creates a myth", paper presented at Entangled Histories Multiple Geographies, EAHN 2015 International Scientific Thematic Conference, University of Belgrade, Serbia, 14 to 17 October.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2015), "Mapping a Coral Reef: George Kubler and the recent history of Portuguese architecture", paper presented at History of Architectural Historiography, NTNU Trondheim, 12 to 14 June.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2015), "Shifting South: Architecture History following Geopolitics", paper presented at Southern Modernisms: critical stances through regional appropriations, ESAP, Porto, 19 to 21 February.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2014), "Portuguese Plain Architecture: A journey since the 1950s to 1990s", paper presented at 74 14 SAAL Architecture International Colloquium on Housing and Participation, Coimbra University, 14 to 16 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2014), "Plain Style in Hard Times: George Kubler and Juan Downey", paper presented at Palimpsest: The Layered Object: Fifth Biennial Art History Symposium, SCAD Savannah, U.S.A, 28 February 01 March.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2013), "Plain Style: Portugal and Beyond", paper presented at Portugal Inside and Out: Presences of Lusophone Culture in Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary Periods, Université de Montréal, 16 to 18 October.

Sousa Santos, Eliana; Santos Pedrosa, Patrícia ; Figueiredo, Paulo (2013), "Parallel Cities: Film as an Architectural Tool", paper presented at Inter[sections]: A conference on Architecture, City and Cinema", Porto University, 11 to 13 September.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2013), "Portuguese Plain Architecture: Historiography and Architectural Practice", paper presented at Cultural Encounters in the Luso-Hispanic World, University of Warwick, 31 May 01 June.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2012), "Opening a Closed Sequence: Portuguese Plain Architecture", paper presented at "Remenbering George Kubler" 65th annual meeting Society of Architectural Historians, Detroit, U.S.A., 18 to 22 April.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2010), "Investigação e arquitectura: apologia da inclusão", paper presented at Investigar Sobre Arquitectura, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, 08 November.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2010), ""Touchez pas au brico! Notions of bricoleur and engineer in architectural thought"", paper presented at Savage Thoughts: Interdisciplinarity and the Challenge of Claude Levi-Strauss, McGill University, 24 to 25 September.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2009), "Camouflaging Landscape: Nikolaus Pevsner's English Landscape and Gyorgy Kepes's New Landscape", paper presented at Transnationalism and Visual Culture in Britain, Northumbria University, 09 to 11 September.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2007), "Picturesque Peripatetic", paper presented at Past in the Present: History as Practice, Glasgow School of Art, 26 to 29 October.

Sousa Santos, Eliana (2006), "Reasoning Emotion: What does the word science means when it is beside the Word space", paper presented at ESS06 , Universidade de Oslo, 07 to 11 August.