Daniela Nascimento
Daniela Nascimento has a PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution from the University of Coimbra, a bachelor degree in International Relations by the same University and an European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation from the Inter-European Center for Human Rights and Democratisation. She is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies, in research line Democracy, Justice and Human Rights, and Associate Professor with Habilitation at the International Relations Group at the School of Economics of the University of Coimbra where she teaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels in International Relations, including the MA in Peace, Security and Development Studies, and the PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution (with a performance evaluation of excellent for 2011-2013 and 2014-2016, 2017-2019, 2020-2022). She was Vice-Dean for Post-Graduate Studies at the School of Economics from February 20th, 2020 to April, 13th, 2022. She was an elected member of the Scientific Board of the School of Economics from 2011 until 2013 and from 2020 until 2022. She is currently Counselor of the Council on Higher Military Education under the Ministry of Defense. Her research interests focus on peace studies, human rights, peacebuilding, humanitarian action, especially in the African context and Timor Leste. She has published various chapters and peer-reviewed articles in national and international journals and books, as well as participation in various research projects with national and international funding. Amongst her more recent publications are the book International Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Strategies. The Complexities of war and peace in the Sudans published by Routledge (2017), a chapter on "Una crítica a la construcción de paz liberal desde los derechos humanos. La contribución de los derechos socioeconómicos para la sostenibilidad de la paz" published in 2019 in the book Pax crítica. Aportes teóricos a las Perspectivas de Paz Posliberal organized by Karlos Pérez de Armiño; Iker Zirion ( Editorial Tecnos) and the chapter on "Trials and tribulations: the challenges of building a sustainable state in South Sudan" published in 2020 in the book Limited Statehood and Informal Governance in the Middle East and Africa organized by Ruth Santini; Abel Polese e Robert Kevlihan (Routledge/Taylor and Francis).
2025-02-18 RTP África
Peace Research Community Europe
COntinuous COnstruction of resilient social COntracts through societal transformations
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Nascimento, Daniela (2024), Entre a teoria e a prática: desafios contemporâneos à concretização dos direitos humanos, in Maria de Jesus Cabral, Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, Maria Salomé Soares Pais (org.), Diversidade Cultural, Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos. Lisboa: Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 93-100
Book Chapter
Nascimento, Daniela; Sousa, Inês (2024), Turning Voices into Alarms: Rescuing Forced Migrants in the Mediterranean Through Alternative Narratives as a Form of Political Action, in Novais, R.A., Arcila Calderón, C. (org.), Representations of Refugees, Migrants, and Displaced People as the 'Other'. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 219-232
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Nascimento, Daniela; Pureza, José Manuel; Roque, Sílvia (2024), "Das novas guerras às migrações: o subdesenvolvimento como ameaça?", Mundo Crítico, 10
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