António Carvalho


António Carvalho works as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Until January 2023 he was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Studies, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Between 2018-2022 he was the Principal Investigator of TROPO: Anthropocenic Ontologies in Portugal - Social Movements, Public Policies and Emerging Technologies. He is co-director of the Doctoral Programme in 'Governance, Knowledge, and Innovation', of the Master's Degree in Social Dynamics, Natural and Technological Risks and the coordinator of the Risk Observatory (OSIRIS. He belongs to the editorial board of Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. Between 2022-2024 he was a member of CES' Ethics Commission. His current research interests include Biopolitics, the Anthropocene and more-than-human ontologies. His work has been published in journals such as Public Understanding of Science, Energy Research & Social Science, Minerva, Social Movement Studies and The Sociological Review. In 2024 he published the book "Antropoceno(s): crise climática, ontologia e o social" (Anthropocene(s): climate crisis, ontology and the social", edited by University of Coimbra Press.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Carvalho, António (2025), "Tecnologías del sujeto, política y ontología: El caso de las prácticas meditativas", Andamios, 21, 56, 249-273

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Article in Scientific journal

Santos, Ana Cordeiro; Carvalho, António; Frade, Catarina; Fontes, Fernando; Caldeira, Isabel; Mendes, José Manuel; Alarcão, Madalena; Duarte, Madalena; Freire, Maria Raquel; Vieira, Patrícia; Ribeiro, Raquel; Marques, Tiago Pires (2024), "Nas margens do 25 de Abril: os futuros do passado. Uma introdução", Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 133, 5-12

Book Chapter

Riquito, Mariana; Matos, Ana Raquel; Carvalho, António; Ferreira, Vera (2024), Discursos políticos sobre alterações climáticas em Portugal: análise dos debates parlamentares entre a VI e a XIII Legislaturas (1991 - 2019), in Ana Raquel Matos, Maria Strecht Almeida e Pedro Mendonça (org.), Tecnociência e Sociedade - Sociologia do conhecimento, ciência e tecnologia em Portugal. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 299-329