Kristen Connor
I am an historian and anthropologist with a PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2024; MA, 2018), alongside a Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from the University of Michigan (2018). My interests are in the intersections of science, colonialism, and labor in East-Central Africa. My research has focused on the development of high-altitude scientific industries in Uganda, tracing how colonial expeditions and local knowledge systems shaped the region's scientific and material landscapes. I combine historical and ethnographic methods, including archival research, oral histories, and object provenance analysis, to explore how knowledge, labor, and material culture circulate between Africa and Europe. My dissertation research has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF-US), the Social Science Research Council (SSRC-US), the Fulbright, and the University of Michigan. Currently, I am a Research Assistant on the project (Horizon Europe No 101070589).
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Connor, Kristen (2024), "Lips of Knowledge are Precious Jewels": The Makerere Scientific Society and the Production of Scientific Knowledge at the Makerere University College, 1957-1972, in ABK Kasozi et al. (org.), Makerere's Century of Service to East Africa and Beyond. Makerere University Press: Kampala, Uganda: A.B.K. Kasozi et al., 293-308
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