Book Chapter
Ribeiro, Jéssica; Simões, Rita Basílio de; Silveirinha, Maria João (2023), Perfis midiáticos das ministras de Portugal: reiteração da maternidade e conexões familiares, in Faculdade de Direito UFC (org.), Anais do Primeiro Congresso de Mulheres e Política da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Anais
Article in Scientific journal
Jerónimo, Pedro; Amaral, Inês; Correia, João Carlos (2023), "Disinformation Studies: Global Perspectives", Journalism Practice, 17, 10, 2079-2083
Article in Scientific journal
Simões, Rita Basílio de; Amaral, Inês; Puente, Sonia Núñez (2023), "Introdução", ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 48
Other Publications
Teles Fazendeiro, Bernardo (2023), "O mundo pós-soviético: Alargamento e autodeterminação", Manifesto , 7
Other Publications
Meneses, Maria Paula (2023), "Can we recognize the wealth of knowledge women carry?", Field Notes on Scarcity , 68-69
Book Chapter
Bueno, Natália; Martins, Bruno Sena (2023), The liberation struggle and the politics of heroism in Mozambique. The war veterans as remains of memory, in Miguel Cardina (org.), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past. London and New York: Routledge, 47-60
Book Chapter
Bueno, Natália (2023), Transitional justice mechanisms and memory. A look into Mozambique's liberation war narrative, in Miguel Cardina (org.), The Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles. Memory, Politics and Uses of the Past. London and New York: Routledge, 145-159
Article in Scientific journal
Amaral, Inês; Antunes, Eduardo; Flores, Ana Marta (2023), "How do Portuguese young adults engage and use m-apps in daily life? An online questionnaire survey", Observatorio (OBS*), 17, 2, 245-263
Article in Scientific journal
Antunes, Eduardo; Amaral, Inês; Basílio Simões, Rita; Flores, Ana Marta (2023), "Who Are the Young Adults in Portugal? Daily Usage of Social Media and Mobile Phones, in a No-Kids and No-Independent Housing Context-Results from a Representative Online Survey", Youth, 3, 4, 1101-1120
Article in Scientific journal
Antunes, Eduardo; Basílio Simões, Rita (2023), "Gender Blindness in Mediascape. An Analysis of the Burkini-Bans' Representation in the News Media And Readers' Comments", Medijske studije, 14, 27, 44-62
Article in Scientific journal
Freitas, Gustavo; Basílio Simões, Rita (2023), "Género, Diversidade e Populismo. Representação Mediática de Atores Políticos", Media & Jornalismo, 23, 43, 37-54
Article in Scientific journal
Simões, Rita Basílio de; Amaral, Inês; Puente, Sonia Núñez (2023), "Introdução Discurso de ódio misógino: representações, impactos e intervenções", ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 48, 9-14
Article in Scientific journal
Simões, Rita Basílio; Baeta, Agda Dias; Costa, Bruno Frutuoso (2023), "Mapping Feminist Politics on Tik Tok during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Content Analysis of the Hashtags #Feminismo and #Antifeminismo", Journalism and Media, 4, 1, 244-257
Article in Scientific journal
Baeta, Agda; Simões, Rita Basílio de (2023), "Pós-feminismo e interseccionalidade na comunicação digital de marcas brasileiras", Revista Ártemis,, 35, 1, 236-257